Find answers to all your questions about Sonic Depths.

Who is Sonic Depths for?

You start your work session searching for songs that enhance your concentration? You love discovering new tunes but have no time to search You're let down by AI-generated playlists, lacking the soul, coherence, and variety you need in your music experience?

You're not alone.

Our community is a mix of professionals and students like entrepreneurs, marketers, office workers, and developers—busy people like you, deep in tasks that need focus.

Whether you're coding, working on marketing plans, studying or handling daily office stuff, we get you. We bring curated playlists that fit seamlessly into your job, making your journey more enjoyable and productive.

Join us in a space where productivity meets musical exploration. Sonic Depths provides you the perfect soundtrack for your concentrated work, giving you the focus and inspiration you need.

What will I receive in the newsletter?

Expect at least an hour of specially selected songs in every newsletter, arranged with care. You'll always find a Spotify playlist link included—just waiting to be added to your library.

As you listen to the mixtape, every song has its own story. You'll learn why it's there, how it adds to the mixtape, and get a glimpse into the artist's background. Plus, there are links to more music or albums, so you can keep exploring.

It's like a personal guide, making the whole music experience more interesting and fun for you. Just hit play, and let the stories behind the songs make your music journey awesome!

What music genres are covered?

Explore diverse music genres with Sonic Depths. Each playlist serves as a discovery journey, so many genres are covered: piano, modern classic, film scores, dubstep, drone, jazz, electronica, deeptechno, ambient or instrumental hip-hop — whatever helps you focus during deep work.

Sonic Depths focuses on music that supports concentration. Each mixtape consists of instrumental music as lyrics decrease attention.

No pop, hip-hop, hard EDM, or rock—these don't help with concentration. Uptempo or poppy songs? Also, not here. Only songs that keep you in the zone for deep work, making it all about focus! 🎶

Why Sonic Depths instead of streaming platforms & AI?

Music holds a powerful emotional aspect that algorithms don't get. A person who genuinely immerses themselves in music can provide a more enhanced listening experience compared to a playlist generated crafted solely by AI.

AI-generated playlists excel at handling a specific genre or mood. However, it lacks the ability to comprehend the need for a narrative and seamless flow to achieve a focused state of concentration. AI falls short in storytelling and struggles to weave sounds or moods into a coherent, smooth sequence. It also faces challenges in navigating diverse styles and recognizing unexpected connections between genres, artists, or songs.

What will I get out of Sonic Depths?

You'll get things done thanks to our mixtapes as they focus on enhancing your concentration.

You'll get to know new music. Each month you'll receive at minimum 1 hour of new music, nicely put together in a playlist.

Do I get lifetime access to the archive?

When you unsubscribe, you will not be able to access the newsletter archive on the site. You can, of course, save the e-mails you've received. You can also add the playlists to your Spotify account to access them after your unsubscription.

How can I subscribe?

You can subscribe here.

How can I unsubscribe?

Just unsubscribe from the mailing list through the link in each e-mail. Your subscription will stop at the end of the month.

Are artists compensated?

Sonic Depths promotes music and artists by writing about them, linking through their websites or music.

Each newsletter also has links to songs, albums and playlists on different platforms (Spotify, Bandcamp, Tidal, ...). Artists are compensated through the streaming platforms when you play their songs or buy their albums on Bandcamp or other distribution platforms.

Is Sonic Depths related to labels or artists?

No, Sonic Depths is operating completely independent.